
Keyboard Ensemble

Fees: $110 per month
Days/Times: Day/time to be determined; Starts 1st week of October
Teachers: Hansani Archibald
Location: Worcester

The Keyboard Ensemble is designed to give piano students the opportunity to experience ensemble music making with other pianists. The class will include works and arrangements for 4-Hand Duets, works for multiple pianos featuring one student per piano or any other combination thereof. The style of music for the class will not be limited to Classical music giving the students a more well-rounded musical experience. Students will be expected and required to come to the classes with their assigned parts practiced as best as they can, as they are part of a larger music making experience. For piano students at intermediate level or above.

Student Requirements:

  • Students must be at least close to an intermediate level
    * Prefer that students understand key signatures if not Major Scales/Minor Scales or are close to learning them.
  • Prefer that students have some experience counting simple and compound duple and triple meters.
  • Students must come to each class with their sheet music (preferably in a 3 ring binder) and a pencil for music marking.

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